So I bundled her up, plonked her into the bike trailer and headed off.
the attachment for the trailer's on my hybrid bike, so I ignored the training schedule's 15 minute off-road ride (15 minutes? that's not training! it's a nip down the shop to buy a pint of milk!) and opted for a longer ride, mostly on paved paths. I must've ridden for over an hour with the ba sitting happily taking in the world around her; and dragging a steel trailer behind has got to be considered good training.
There's a new sign up by the sixmile water trail which looks something like this:

Now I find that offensive.
Can we please have a sign that says "No Walking" too? or "No Breathing"?
What I find most annoying is that I'll only see the sign when I'm plodding along on my retro road bike causing nobody any harm - in this case with a one-year-old in tow.
When I'm tearing up the singletrack along that stretch of river, being a menace to society and risking the life and limbs of myself and all who may be unfortunate enough to come across me, the chances are that I'll get there along some rabbit track through the trees and burst out on any unsuspecting passers-by without ever passing one of those detestable notices.
today I disobeyed the sign. I hope I haven't introduced my infant child to a life of crime and rebellion against authority.
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